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Advanced Technology



Computerized Refraction System


Auto refractor and keratometer ark 1a

Auto-refractor and keratometer

The starting point to measure your eyes refraction status. This automated instrument measures with objective accuracy and features accommodation testing and retro-illumination. It helps to detect early presbyopia, latent hyperopia and children with reading difficulty. It accurately measure patients with cataracts, corneal opacities, IOLs, and post LASIK procedures. It ensures consistent, accurate, reliable and repeatable data.


Auto Lensmeter lm 600 p pd 2


This high performance lensmeter optimizes more accurately identify spectacle lens type, and take measurements to verify the lens power. It also features a UV Transmittance Measurement Function which will tell how well your lenses are protecting your eyes from UV exposure.

Digital phoropter trs 3100

Digital Phoropter


The Digital Phoropter system is a feature-streamlined instrument that offers completely wireless interface with the auto-refractor and auto-lensmeter. It also provides seamless integration and connection to our EMR software to improve efficiency and accuracy during data transfer.



Digital Retinal Imaging

dry macular degeneration1

Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration


Diabetic Retinopathy

A picture is worth a thousand words, and nothing is more important than monitoring the health of your eye by capturing a digital image of your retina.

Dr. Wang recommends a Digital Retinal Image every year for everyone, but especially individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, and those with family history of macular degeneration or glaucoma. is very important in assisting your eye doctor to detect and measure any changes to your retina each time you get your eyes examined, as many eye conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration are diagnosed by detecting changes over time. Many eye diseases, if detected at an early stage, can be treated successfully without total loss of vision.

Computerized Visual Field Testing

A visual field test measures how much ‘side’ vision you have. It is very often used to assist the diagnosis of certain eye disease and visual malfunction, such as glaucoma, stroke, brain tumor, etc. In some cases, the Ministry of Transportation may require the license holder to get an evaluation of their peripheral vision for the safety reason.

It is a straightforward test, painless, and does not involve eye drops.


Humphrey FDT


Humphrey FDT test is used as a screening visual field evaluation method in our clinic. It is ideal to identify patients in need of further detailed visual field evaluation, or in some cases, patients in need of ophthalmological referral.



Humphrey HFA


Humphrey Field Analyzer is utilized in our clinic for advanced visual field evaluation. It is the well accepted standard of care in glaucoma diagnosis and management. It also has important role in specialty test including but not limited to driver test applying, systemic medication side effects monitor.


Non-Contact Tonometer

NCT nt-510

Non-Contact Tonometer

Eye pressure is one of the “vital signs” of your eyes, it is a important factor in diagnosing glaucoma, retinal detachment, uveitis, and ocular trauma. Non-Contact Tonometer is a non-invasive equipment to easily measure your eye pressure. The advanced air puff pulse control produces minimum necessary air pressure for comfortable patient measurement. Each pulse of air is monitored and adjusted according to IOP measurements for increased accuracy.

Although this is a convenient method of checking your eye pressure, in some special cases, Dr. Wang will take the eye pressure measurement manually for her patients.

Corneal Topography

e300 precision optics image

Medmont E300 Corneal Topography


The Medmont E300 Corneal Topographer is a computerized Video-Keratometer, using Placido rings to map the surface of the human cornea. The test is very easy to perform, simply requiring you to look at green light surrounded by red rings. These rings are projected onto the cornea and measured by the camera. The measurements are recorded by the computer and pieced together to form a topographical map of varying colors, resembling an elevation map of the earth.

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Tear Film Surface Quality, Understand and Analyse Tear Film Breakup

By measuring the corneal surface, Dr. Wang can diagnose and monitor many conditions such as astigmatism, keratoconus, Pellucid marginal degeneration, pterygium, and other forms of corneal scars and irregularities. The results of the topographer can be used to assist in regular or specialty contact lens fitting, refractive surgery, orthokeratology, dry eye evaluation and general assessment of the cornea.

Tear Osmolarity Test with i-pen



Tear Osmolarity Testing has been recognized as one of the standard of objective dry eye diagnosis, and the single best marker of dry eye disease severity.

i-Pen® Osmolarity System is the world’s first, hand-held solid state electronic diagnostic device for the quantitative measurement of osmolarity (concentration of dissolved salts in solution) of human tears in normal and Dry Eye Disease patients.

In our clinic, we use i-Pen® as a screening device both for patients presenting with dry eye symptoms and for all pre and post-surgical patients. In addition, the i-Pen® is an invaluable asset for monitoring the progress of dry eye treatment therapies.