Thank you for being our patients! Our team will be happy to communicate with you to understand your eye care needs and provide further guidance.
We have implemented protocols with screening procedures in order to protect our patients and team members against the spread of COVID-19. Please be kindly noticed, walk-in services are not available at this time.
Here are the steps to make an appointment for your eye care needs:
- New patients, please contact us by
- Call or text to: 905-471-8118, Or
- Email:, And
- Online submission of Patient Registration Form
- Existing patients, please contact us by one of the following methods:
- Call or text to: 905-471-8118, Or
- Email:
- If you were asked to complete some additional forms before your appointment:
- Patients who needs Tele-Optometry services based on our advice, please submit Tele-Optometry and Electronic Communication Consent
- Patients who need us to submit eClaims of your insurance plan on your behalf:
- Please check if the insurance company of your vision plan is on list of eClaims-insurance company list
- online submission of Electronic Transmission Authorization and Consent Form
- If you have other documents that are required for your appointment needs, such as a referral letter from your physician, a list of your current medications, and etc, please upload the file(s) here.
File Upload
What to Expect At Your Appointment?
Please read carefully the important instruction that applies to your appointment.
- For in-person appointments, please follow MEVC In-Person Visit Instruction.
- For Tele-Optometry consultation, please read more about Tele-Optometry Instruction.